As a Realtor in Traverse City we love receiving these amazing client testimonials. Amber Cyman Real Estate is so grateful for the Potter family, that they put their trust in us with their beautiful Traverse City, Michigan home in East Bay Township. We really went all out with advertising, resulting in the home being viewed 5,986 times on social media. The hard work in getting the home ready to sell and having a well thought out game plan was a success. We ended up having multiple offers and sold well over asking price. It was an incredibly smooth transaction and well deserved for this wonderful family.
Keys To Getting Multiple Offers & Selling Over List Price
To sell a home for top dollar in Northern Michigan you need to receive multiple offers on a home listed at a neutral rate. This feeds into the competitive human nature we all have with wanting something everyone else is desiring. It is very hard to fight off this desire once you have it in your mind that this is the house and I will do what it takes to get it.
As a Sellers Agent in Traverse City, Michigan our objective starts with making sure the home is staged and maintained so that it will be presented in the best possible light possible. Once making design changes or fixing possible maintenance issues it is key to focus on photos and videos.
Without high quality photos and videos you will never catch a buyers eyes. Before the photo shoot we spend a good couple hours taking notes of what areas we need to highlight and what angles and sides of the home are less desirable to show. Most people have short attention spans so grabbing and maintaining attention is key for your buyers looking in the Traverse City area market.
The final and most important step often overlooked by just about all realtors in Northern Michigan is social media. Most realtors are lucky to have their post or video viewed by over 100 people (Amber Cyman Real Estate averages 5,000-10,000 views). This is because it is not understood by most people in the real estate industry. Either by lack of understanding or the time invested that is needed to become a social media influencer. It is really sad because sometimes they will have beautiful pictures and videos but they don’t post them or if they do they are not advertised, resulting in social analytics showing low engagement and viewership below 100 views. This can result in a home selling for well over the potential top dollar value.
Getting High Engagement & Views On Social Media Result in Top Dollar Offers
Stay tuned for the next blog post on how Amber Cyman Real Estate gets top dollar offers in Traverse City Real Estate by being the top social media realtor in Northern Michigan… Also be sure to check out the amazing photos below of Amber Cyman Real Estate’s last home that sold well over asking price.